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Our website packages start from as low as $2000 and go to up to six figures, this is all depending on the amount of time used to design and custom develop your project. We offer business-specific products to help keep the cost as minimal as possible, and custom design and/or development work is billed accordingly. To choose the package that is right for your business, take a look at our Packages and Prices page.

Once you have spoken with a WordSphere creative consultant, you will receive an electronic copy of our Website Survey & Planning documents. A simple planning tool designed to help you collate and organize the content and look for your new website. If you are unsure of the correct package for your business or require some presales assistance, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the project at our Seattle office. Once the website survey has been finalized and all of the accompanying artwork has been received, our graphics team will begin preparing a concept design for your website.

Of course, you will! WordPress has the feature to do basic changes, updates, and plugin moderation from the admin dashboard. We can easily guide you.

Yes, we are more than happy to do this for you! We offer a range of maintenance plans designed to save you time and ensure that your website is constantly reflecting a fresh look with the most up-to-date content. To find out more about the different maintenance plans, please visit our website.

The project starts with a 50% deposit. After design sign-off and before we move into programming, we collect 25%. Once we have completed and fulfilled our scope, the final 25% is collected and your website is then scheduled for launch.

We work with a broad range of company types (small start-ups, large corporations, non-profits, B2B, B2C, and more) across many business industries, for example, technology, food, apparel, health and beauty, camps, travel, finance, arts, fair trade, and more.
Over the years, we’ve helped businesses improve customer service, market their products, and attract customers. Functionality requests range from basic to advanced. Our team takes the time to get to know your industry, organization, and competitors to ensure your site supports all of your goals.

This is a great question to ask and you should ask it of any web design and development firm you are considering. Many firms will farm out work to freelancers or interns. Some firms give little or no access to clients who want to speak directly with their designers or developers. Our clients work directly with our tight-knit crew of 5. Who that will be, will depend on your project needs and what stage of the process you are in during the project.

YES! Everything that we build will be 100% owned by you. Most of our clients stay with us for the life of the website. Our team is just irresistible that way. But if for any reason you decide you want to take your site to another hosting service and get another company to service the site, we will happily assist you in making the transition as effortlessly and efficiently as possible. The website is yours after all, and you are free to take it to wherever you feel is best for you.

Our Recent Work

Like Diva

Image Appeal

Hypar Nano

Shop Fix Beauty

We develop incredibly responsive with a refreshingly clean design

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