Project: Superwill

Category: WordPress Customization

A super will change or overrides the non-probate nature of these assets and control who owns them on the death of the decedent. Super will change ownership. Non-probate assets automatically transfer at death to the other owner. Super will change that. Washington’s “Super-Will” statute (RCW 11.11.020) allows a testator to make provisions in his Will that govern the beneficiaries of non-probate and probate assets. This changes bank accounts payable on death, insurance policy beneficiaries, pension beneficiaries anything that automatically passes outside the Will. Super wills are used for non-probate assets. These assets, such as one held in joint tenancy, do not have to pass through probate to be transferred. Non-probate assets include pension plans, life insurance policies, and jointly held property with survivorship (Such as spouses or becomes entitled to the whole property) rights.

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